Monday, September 15, 2008

Me on worse enema

"Okay I give in."

As of the preceding letters and punctuation I am now officially publishing my fleeting, everyday, and occasionally...hopefully somewhat profound if not simply coherent thoughts, images I find compelling, and senseless dribble for the entire world of registered users to ponder or ignore.

That's right I'm "blogging" (for those who don't know, short for "web logging" - and like, who doesn't know that you ask? You would be surprised. In fact a random poll at the office birthday party the other day revealed exactly no one who seemed to know or care.) in front of all the world (or at least those with a computer and nothing else better to do) in hopes of receiving perhaps (added) some sort of citation for ludeness or indecent (internet) exposure.

Here I sit manufacturing yet another reason for squandering countless hours staring at an electrocharged liquid crystal display unit. Why? I ask myself and the truth is...I need the attention. I derive medium to spicy satisfaction from knowing that my loose ramblings, random photos, and offbeat videos will entice you, gentle / rough reader, through experiencing that which I find entertaining or downright absurd or extremely exciting, to enevitably develop your own sense of what constitutes worthwhile diversion. This might even make you feel like shaking your fist at the cosmos by writing the what for. So don't leave without posting a comment friend because it's lonely out here in cyberspace.

Whew, my first be-log is complete and I feel great. Not the best reading I know but at least it's almost over. Time to relax...

Read on and let's both hope it gets better. Who knows what it could become...such potential at this very moment...perhaps I'll become immediately disinterested and never look at it again. I wonder how long will this series of ones and zeros will remain drifting along in nowhereland? What if society collapses and there is no electricity and everyone forgets how to use computers? Will it be as though I hadn't spent the past, what, 12 minutes writing this piece of crap? What will people think of the haphazard use of language? Is anyone still reading this?

Oh wait I'm supposed to be resting... okay until next time...

(read / edit / what I wrote)

What a strange way to begin, maybe I'll make this the second posting. What a waste.

(read last portion again type more as I go)

Needs photos too...when will I invite people to have a look see? Perhaps another couple of posts will be in order...

(go back what am I trying to say? definitely trying to be too clever. check for mi(s)spellings and be done with it. change the word "done" in earlier sentence to "complete" - sounds better - oh enough already. should have ended with "Time to relax...")
Addendum: Okay if you have made it this far you might as well know that now I'm writing from the future. This posting is just awful. I can't believe it has to be my first entry. Try as I may, I can't seem to locate the feature whereby I can change the order of the posts. So this is what it is.
I'm considering using the blog to just type and not think. Wonder what would happen (see above and below)
A friend of mine told me to be brief but what is brief for others to read often is the opposite for the author and vice-versa. Editing takes time.
So here's what you get. Still finding my voice.
I love you.
I'll be more brief next time I promise.

1 comment:

Sasha said...

Wow, I knew that baby was smart but who knew she is such a good typer... FYI, I was still reading and no, it didn't make a whole lotta sense but that is oooooooookay. :-)